What could be nicer? A gorgeous colouring book, packed full of beautiful illustrations to wind down and drift away into a happy place of Nice Things Only…
During these strange times, it’s so important to take a little time for yourself. Treat yourself to 20 minutes of no distractions – no phone, no washing up, no TV and just enjoy the simple pleasure of colouring in. Certainly no longer reserved for kids only!
What is it?
It is an A4 colouring book with 22 pages of detailed illustrations of all things NICE, including:
~ cocktail time!
~ festival fun
~ house plants
~ alpine scene
~ proud peacocks
~ beautiful butterflies
~ a cottage garden
and many more!
We’ve had lots of ideas sent in for things you’d like to colour and I’ve tried to include as many as I can! We hope you’ll love it…